Group News

Q35 Officially Off-Line from Myanmar Gold AYA Motors

On the morning of July 31, MyanmarGold AYA MotorsInternational Group Co., LTD held the "Q35" off-line ceremony at Mandalay MMID industrial park. Dr. Zaw Myint Manug - Chief Minister of Mandalay Region Government, Dr. Khin Maung Htay - Vice Chairman of Mandalay Region Hluttaw, Col., Kyaw Kyaw Min - Minister of Security and Boarder Affair, MRG, U Zar Ni Aung - Minister of Electric, Power and Construction, MRG, U Aung Win Khaing - Chairman of Mandalay Myotha Industrial Development Public Co., Ltd, Mr.Wang Zong Ying - Consul General, Consulate-general of the people's republic of china in Mandalay of the republic of the union of Myanmar, Mr.Yan Yu - Chairman of Shining Star Group and Chairman of Gold AYA Motors International Group Co., Ltd., Mr.Yan Xiang Jun - General Manager of South-East Asia Region BAIC Group, U Ye Htut Lin - Shareholder of Gold AYA Motors International Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Niu Qun - General Manager of Gold AYA Motors International Group Co., Ltd.. Meanwhile, distributors, partners, over 20 media from in and abroad and all Gold AYA Motors employees had participated in this event.

During the ceremony, Gold AYA Motors’ first class assembly line and advanced motors manufacture techniques have received a large number of compliments from all distributors and multiple professional media. With the motivation to manufacture only the best price value motors, Gold AYA Motors’ first born Q35 officially rolled off the assembly line under all spot lights, showcasing different positive product qualities in all ways.

“Today, with the Gold AYA Motors Assembly Line officially launched and the first born Q35 off the assembly line, It means that Kunming Shining Star Group is realizing its strategic targets of multi-directional development and it is also representing the battle footing of Shining Star Group into SEA market”, Mr. Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group and Chairman of Gold AYA Motors International Group Co., Ltd said during his opening speech in the ceremony. Gold AYA Motors also is equipped with the productivity capability to manufacture saloons, all-function SUV and MPV. It is believed that the entire series of Gold AYA motors products will be reaching its development peak with the continuous support and massive attention from the Myanmar government, shareholders and partners of the company.Chairman pointed out that the company will definitely comply with the standard of factory building objectives. Adhere to the enterprise philosophy of "Law-abiding operation, Public satisfaction, Corporate development, Employees’ growth" , and fully use the advanced production technology and management experience of BAIC, wholeheartedly strive for providing customers with more excellent safe and eco-friendly automobile products and thoughtful service, strive to become one of the most competitive enterprises among Myanmar`s auto-industry.

Dr. Zaw Myint Manug - Chief Minister of Mandalay Region Government and Mr.Yan Xiang Jun - General Manager of South-east Asia Region BAIC Group had also expressed the best wishes for Gold AYA Motors’s future development. It is widely believed that Gold AYA Motors International Company is striving itself to bring the most advanced technologies and industry talents into the Myanmar Motors Industry and will be continuously making effort for Myanmar motors industry’s sustainable development.

At 10:28, 10:28am. First Born Q35 rolled off the assembly line under spot lights and with audience applauses. Guests took photos with Q35, and signed autographs on the car, this car will remain in the exhibition hall forever.

Myanmar Gold AYA Motors International Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 2017 with an investment of nearly $30 million. Adhering to the principle of "Communication, Sharing and Co-construction", the company has introduced the brand of "BAIC", business including automobile production, sales, after-sales service and automobile finance business.

The company's manufacturing base is located in the Mandalay MMID industrial park and with an area of 81,000 square meters (20.1 acres). The first phase of the project includes SKD assembly line and supporting facilities with an annual production capacity of 5000 vehicles, including assembly workshop, parts warehouse, container yard, commodity parking lot, test track, oil depot, solid waste station, oil depot, office building and vehicle exhibition area, staff dormitory and living area.

Currently, the company plans to produce more than 10 models in seven categories, including family vehicles, SUV, MPV, commercial vehicles, pickup trucks, specialty vehicles and new energy vehicles. The company has 4S stores in Mandalay and Yangon, providing a full range of services to consumers.

The company is committed to becoming the most successful and competitive automobile company in Myanmar, providing high quality and professional service experience for consumers and leading the development of Myanmar automobile market. The company will continue to introduce new products and advanced technologies to the market. At the same time, as a responsible enterprise, the company will continue to strive to achieve the sustainable development of Myanmar society, convey responsibility, create value, share the joy of progress with enthusiasts from all walks of life, and deliver brand positive energy.


The Chairman Leads Shining Star Group Attended the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo

On 26 June to 27 June,2019, the chairman Yan Yu leads Shining Star Group vice president, Wang Hailong and chief financial officer, Gong Shenggang; General manager of Li Heng Investment, Yan Rui; General manager of Africa mining project team, Meng Zhiqin and Uganda project team a total of 14 people traveled to Changsha,Hunan,China, attended the ceremony of the first China-Africa economic and trade expo and was successfully signed Uganda Katwe salt lake project agreement.

The signing of the Uganda project is one of the main agenda items for the delegation of Shining Star Group to attend the first China-Africa economic and trade expo. In order to understand the progress of the Uganda project, on June 26, Chairman Yan Yu led a delegation to China Light Industry (Changsha) Engineering co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Changsha Light Industry") to hear the report on the progress of the Uganda project. Wan Hua, general manager of Changsha Light Industry first design business unit, and Chen Dayong, deputy general manager of international business department, reported the progress of Katwe salt lake project in Uganda to the chairman successively. After listening to the report, the chairman Yan Yu communicated with Changsha Light Industry representatives on the project progress and put forward suggestions on the further progress of the project.

Hu Chunhua, member of the political bureau of the CPC central committee and vice premier of the state council, attended the opening ceremony of the first China-Africa economic and trade expo and the forum of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation in Changsha on the morning of June 27, 2019. After speeches by Chinese and African leaders; the speeches by the representatives of international organizations, experts and scholars, forum ushered in the fourth agenda: major project signing ceremony--Chairman Yan Yu, General Manager Yan Rui, minister of energy and mines of Uganda Irene and co-chairman of Uganda Rwenzori Shining Star Co., Ltd. were seated at the signing desk to sign the memorandum of understanding related to the Uganda project.

On the afternoon of June 27, the projects signing ceremony of Yunnan province delegation was held in the Whiersly hotel, Changsha. Under the witness of Jiang Xingming, deputy secretary general of Yunnan provincial people's government and other leaders, chairman Yan Yu and co-chairman of Uganda Rwenzori Shining Star Co., Ltd signed the memorandum of investment cooperation of Uganda project. The chairman Yan Yu also held talks with representatives of Ugandan joint venture partners, exchanging views on the progress of the project and far-reaching cooperation.

With the theme of “Win-Win Cooperation for Closer China-Africa Economic and Trade Partnership”, the expo focuses on trade and investment promotion, agriculture, energy and power, industrial park development, infrastructure and financing cooperation. Representatives from 53 African countries and international organizations including the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the World Food Programme, the World Trade Organization, and the Africa Union attend the expo and become the important window to witness future China-Africa cooperation.


The Chairman Attended the Uganda-Yunnan Investment Promotion Forum

On May 15, the embassy of the republic of Uganda in China held investment promotion forum for Uganda-Yunnan in Kunming. The forum aims to promote the bilateral economic and trade cooperation between Uganda and Yunnan, and invites Yunnan enterprises to"go out"and invest in Uganda. Yan Yu, the chairman of Shining Star group was invited to attend.

At the forum, Yunnan enterprises such as Shining Star Group introduced their investment in Uganda. Yan Yu, the chairman of Shining Star Group, said: "It has been 26 years since the establishment of Shining Star Group in 1993. In recent years, the group has adjusted its development strategy and actively responded to the call of Yunnan government to‘go out'for development. In the past five years, the group has invested in Myanmar, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Africa and South America, etc. The group's project investment in Uganda is based on Uganda's political, social and natural environment, as well as foreign exchange and tax policies, etc. At the same time, the Ugandan government also provides one-stop service for Chinese enterprises. We hope that more enterprises can‘go out'and invest in Uganda and contribute to the construction of ‘One Belt And One Road'".

The ambassador of Republic of Uganda to China, H.E. DR. Chrispus Kiyonga, introduced in detail the investment projects, investment policies, investment environment and investment opportunities of tourism, agriculture, industry and mining, infrastructure and other projects in Uganda. The Uganda side also answered the questions raised by Yunnan entrepreneurs on Uganda's tourism, electricity price, coffee planting, agricultural product processing and cultural differences, and conducted on-site interaction and exchanges.

Yunnan provincial foreign affairs office, provincial department of commerce, provincial department of agriculture and rural affairs, provincial department of culture and tourism and other related units and their principals, as well as representatives of more than 40 enterprises in Yunnan province were invited to participate in the forum.


H.E. DR. Chrispus Kiyonga the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to China Visited Shining Star Group

On the afternoon of May 13, the Ambassador of Republic of Uganda to China, H.E. DR. Chrispus Kiyonga and Mr. Nelson Kasigaire who is the first secretary together to visit Shining Star Group.

At 16:00, Ambassador H.E. DR. Chrispus Kiyonga and his delegation reached the site and visited the New Asia Athletics Park project and the enterprise's culture exhibition hall to conduct an in-depth and detailed understanding of the Group's industrial layout and future development plan. During the visit, Ambassador H.E. DR. Chrispus Kiyonga expressed his appreciation for the Group's courage to assume social responsibilities, take the initiative to fulfill its social obligations, and actively participate in social welfare undertakings.

After the visit, Ambassador H.E. DR. Chrispus Kiyonga and chairman Mr. Yan Yu had a brief meeting. Chairman Mr. Yan Yu expressed warmly welcome the ambassador and his delegation and expressed their gratitude to the ambassador for their support for cooperation between Shining Star Group and Uganda, and then briefly introduced the progress of the cooperation project between the Group and Uganda.
The ambassador expressed gratitude to the chairman for his warm reception and detailed the local natural resources, investment environment and population structure of Uganda. He said: "Uganda welcomes companies like Shining Star Group very well to invest in Uganda. Uganda Embassy in China is willing to do so. As always, we will provide support to the cooperation between Shining Star Group and Uganda."

After the meeting, the two sides held formal talks. The director of Uganda project, Mr. Liu Jin gave a detailed introduction to the latest progress and next working plan of the KATWE Salt Lake project in Uganda. Ambassador H.E. DR. Chrispus Kiyonga in-depth exchanges with the chairman and participants both on the project matter as well as follow-up of the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo matter. 

Wang Hailong vice-president of the group accompanied the delegation and discussed.


The Chairman Attended the Second Belt and Road Forum For International Cooperation

On April 25th, the second "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum & "The Belt and Road" Entrepreneur Conference was held in Beijing National Convention Center. The conference was divided into plenary meeting, signing ceremony, Chinese and foreign enterprises discussing negotiation and the closing ceremony. Mr. Yan Yu, chairman of Shining Star Group, participated in the international cooperation signing ceremony and discussing meeting as a representative of the company.

The main highlight of the conference was the project signing and enterprise discussing. The conference arranged a number of Sino-foreign cooperation projects involving wide fields, wide coverage countries, large basic functions, strong demonstration effects and many people's livelihood projects. Under the witness of the leaders of various countries, the chairman Mr. Yan Yu signed a cooperation agreement with the Myanmar partner on behalf of Shining Star Group on the Myanmar Gold AYA Motors project; and also participated in the "one-on-one" enterprise docking negotiation.

Nearly 900 Chinese and foreign representatives attended the entrepreneurial conference, including foreign representatives from 88 countries and regions. Among the participating enterprises, there are 90 of the world's top 500 enterprises, 78 of China's top 500 enterprises, more than 100 central enterprises, and more than 200 private enterprises.

The Summit Forum is the highest-standard international cooperation platform under the "The Belt and Road" framework. It is the most important home-time diplomatic event this year, and also a landmark international event.


The Chairman Attend the 3rd China-Southeast Asia Business Forum

On June 13, 2019, the 3rd China-Southeast Asia Business Forum was held in Kunming city, Yunnan province, was organized by Yunnan Council for Promotion of International Trade and Yunnan International Chamber of Commerce. Yan Yu, the chairman of Shining Star Group was invited to attend and speech.

The theme of the forum is "Belt and Road, Innovative Cooperation and Common Development". About 300 guests from government officials, business leaders, well-known entrepreneurs and media representatives from China and southeast Asian countries attended. Cambodia holds the rotating chair of the forum this year.

During the forum, political leaders of various countries, leaders of Chambers of commerce and industry, and well-known entrepreneurs have overlapping views, wisdom collision, and consensus convergence. Yan Yu, chairman of Shing Star Group, shared with the guests the experience of the group's "going global" development in multiple fields and across industries in the past few years, and elaborated on the comparison of investment conditions between developed countries and less developed countries; Currently, Shining Star Group has invested 130,000 square meters of urban complex Yangon • Kantharyar Centre in Myanmar, which has entered a steady operation period and Myanmar Gold AYA Motors project is in the installation and commissioning stage, and the new car will be put into production;Located in the Dara Sakor of Cambodia, the Happy Home Master Resort has been opened and in operation; In Bolivia in South America and the democratic republic of Congo in Africa, our group’s professional teams have been sent to the mining area to carry out prospecting and plant construction at the beginning of this year; The mining project in Uganda has completed preliminary exploration and will be signed at the Sino-African economic and trade expo to be held in Changsha at the end of this month; Talks are also under way on a comprehensive pilot zone for urban operations planned for investment in Bangladesh; In addition, chairman Yan Yu also shared his experience of overseas investment, he said that mutual benefit is the basis of project investment; Standardized operation, in line with the laws and regulations of the investment country is the prerequisite for project investment; Respecting local customs and culture and paying attention to environmental protection are fundamental to long-term development. Finally, chairman Yan Yu encouraged everyone to seize the opportunity of national "One Belt and One Road" strategy and boldly "go global" investment.

Guests closely the forum theme and provided the opinion and suggestion, around the "Belt and Road", China south peninsula economic corridor, economic corridor between China and India and Myanmar, China and Laos economic corridor, China and Myanmar economic corridor, China and Vietnam economic corridor, Lancang and Mekong rivers cooperation, free trade area and the urgent problems need to be solved in the construction of cross-border economic cooperation zone. And for the China-Asean free trade area upgraded, China-Asean fate community, regional comprehensive economic partnership construction, optimization of two-way investment and promote common development and innovation in the service trade cooperation to discuss an urgent problem that need to be solved and nwork together to explore the capabilities and actions of actively integrating into and serving national strategies and deepen economic and trade cooperation between China and southeast Asia.

It is believed that the successful hosting of the the 3rd China-Southeast Asia Business Forum will play an important role in deepening cooperation and exchanges between China, Yunnan and southeast Asian countries as well as mutually beneficial development of enterprises.


Mr. Zahangir Alam the Mayor of Ghazipur, Bangladesh Visited Shining Star Group

On June 12, during the second China-South Asia Cooperation Forum, Zahangir Alam the Mayor of Ghazipur, Bangladesh, and his delegation visited Shining Star Group to exchange views on investment in Bangladesh. Yan Yu, chairman of the Shining Star Group, Guo Xiaojian, chairman of Yunnan State Investment company, Wang Hailong, vice president of Shining Star Group and relevant leaders of Bangladesh project team attended the meeting.

Chairman Yan Yu first extended warm welcome to mayor Zahangir Alam and his delegation, pointing out that Shining Star Group and Ghazipur city signed a memorandum of comprehensive cooperation on urban operation last year, and the two sides conducted many times visits and exchanges on specific cooperation modes and plans. The group has always attached great importance to the cooperation with Ghazipur municipal government. During the mayor's visit, we hope the two sides can establish and improve the bilateral working mechanism and promote the project implementation as soon as possible. On the basis of mutual trust and mutual benefit, we are looking for projects that can be landed in Ghazipur to inject impetus to Ghazipur 's economic development and urban construction.

Zahangir Alam mayor thanked the warm reception of Shining Star Group, he points out that Ghazipur city willing to provide support to the business development of Shining Star Group, hope the two sides on the basis of friendly cooperation, continue to expand areas of cooperation and deepen cooperation contents and rely on Shining Star Group complete professional advantages, boost Ghazipur city's economic and social development, to realize mutual benefit and win-win results.


Shining Star Group Held "Crime Crackdown" Conference

In order to carry out the work requirements and the related meeting spirit of "Crime crackdown", further create a strong atmosphere of "eliminating criminal gang of evil forces " propaganda, and prevent the infiltration of evil forces into enterprises. On 4 April 2019, at 9 a.m. in Conference Room 1, the Group held a conference on the fight against vice, which was attended by more than 100 participants, including group chairman, heads of centers of the Group and representatives of various subsidiaries.

The conference was presided over by Mr. Yan Yu, chairman of Shining Star Group, made an important speech and work requirements. First, we need unify our mind and raise awareness. It is emphasized once again that the necessity, importance and seriousness of the special campaign against crime carried out by the Group and each subsidiary and abandon the erroneous idea that "no criminal gang can be beaten and no evil can be eliminated". Second, reliable job responsibilities and strengthen investigation. The companies should truly "leave no dead ends, see the bottom in an all-round way", focus on whether there are crime and evil forces, monopolize resources and occupy the industry market. Third, building the long-term mechanism to improve work result. It is necessary to combine carrying out special struggles with strengthening basic work and deepening the activities of creating safe units. Closely centering on key areas, key personnel and key places, strengthen the investigation and collection of information related to crime, evil and bullying, prevent the forces of crime in advance, and enhance the initiative, foresight and effectiveness of our work. The chairman stressed that the group Project Management Center, Kaiwei Property Management Company, and Star Talk Commercial Management Company have to do a good job in checking personnel in key area, and strengthen dynamic management and control, and also convene Project Construction managers to hold focused conference, especially for Star Talk. Commercial Management Company was requested to organize all merchants in the surrounding to conduct special anti-crime training programs.

It points out that only deeply understand the mind so take action in real. The participants need think carefully, comprehend the spirit of the meeting repeatedly, so that to support and cooperate with the relevant actions carried out by the provincial and municipal government departments.All participants listened carefully and recorded in detail through conference. They reflected a strong support for this campaign to combat vice, and showed determination to cooperate with the promotion of relevant actions, thus contributing to the building of a healthy and a pure social atmosphere.


The Birthday Party of the Chairman Yan Yu Successfully Held in Happy Home Master Resort , Cambodia

The birthday party of Mr. Yan Yu, the Chairman of Shining Star Group, was successfully held in Happy Home Master Resort in Dara Sakor Seashore Resort of Cambodia on April 29, 2019. Mr. Yan Yu participated in the birthday celebration in the banquet hall of Happy Home Master Resort in Cambodia with his families, friends and some executives.

In the banquet hall, the famous Cambodian lion dance troupe, “Chak Angre Lion Dance Troupe”, sent their blessings to Chairman, which symbolized the good wishes of prosperity of business and plenty of wealth! The guests and friends filled up the hall, where local folk dance of Cambodian, band performance and other wonderful programs were arranged by the organizer for the celebration of Chairman’s birthday, filling the hall with applause and excitement.

It was the 26th year that Chairman Yan has been the leader of Shining Star Group. He also turned 54 along the good wishes from his family members, friends and partners. We sincerely wish Chairman Yan, the Captain of Shining Star Group, all the best, and being healthy and wealthy for always! With warm smiles and good wishes, Chairman Yan cut the cake with joy, and warm applause continued during the party.

Chairman Yan said:“I’m grateful for my family, friends and colleagues’ presence and sincere wishes. I hope the blessings of my birthday can also be passed on to every one of you who keeps moving forward on the road of life!” After the words, he invited all the guests to raise their glasses and proposed a toast together.

During the party, the guests toasted to Yan Yu, and the hall was full of their good wishes. 


The Group Held the First Quarter of 2019 Operation Analysis Meeting

On April 18th, the Group held the first quarter business analysis meeting of 2019, summed up and analyzed the real economy operation in the first quarter, and researched and deployed the next step work plan. Chairman of the Group Mr. Yan Yu, Vice President Wang Hailong, General Manager of each center, as well as the management team of the subsidiaries and related management personnel attended the meeting.  General Manager of Enterprise Management Department, presided over the meeting.

Shining Star Group subordinate companies participated in this meeting and work report.

The meeting acquired the first quarter work report from every subsidiary, and comprehensively summarized the developing schedule, the achievements and problems of each business. The relevant in charge person carried out a comparative analysis reporting on the completion state for their business objectives in the first quarter of 2019, and made a key explanation both on the completion of the operation objectives and the unfinished reason.  

After listening to the report, the chairman of the group affirmed the operation and management of the subsidiaries in the first-quarter, and also proposed improvement ideas and work requirements for the existing issues.

1.Business, culture and tourism: the chairman pointed out that the traditional conservative, immovable and simple business model in operation and management must be changed, and the business status quo of chaos and unreasonable layout changed too. According to the positioning of "tourism distribution center", make a good business plan, form a good business cycle and improve the business ecological environment; The pre-opening team need to do the best and  to ensure the grand opening of Hot spring hotel.

2.Mining: Strengthen the resource search and obtain mineral resources in various forms; Fully carry out the feasibility study and analysis of the development and construction of the plant, control the pace from the aspects of "exploration, selection and smelting", and complete the annual target; Streamline the administrative approval process to ensure simplicity and efficiency.

3.Capital investment: Dian Merchant Group mainly develops in three directions, to improve its project financing and equity investment business capacity and  builds a capital platform for the group in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

4. Automobile manufacturing: Focusing on the rationality of investment, controlling the cost of production and operation, focusing on three aspects: quality control, marketing promotion and after-sales service.

5.Medical care and health: Pay attention to hospital quality and technical services, Establish its own brand gradually through word-of-mouth marketing; evaluate the effectiveness of marketing and channel, prohibit false publicity, and irregularities.

6. Hotel management: The management team must pay attention to the investment and operation of Kantharya Center, pay attention to the overall rate of return, and lay a good foundation for the financialization of project assets.

7.Property management: Safety is the most important part of property management, the management activities should obey the theory of "technology prevention based, manual prevention supplemented"; change the traditional management mode, encourage personnel optimization, introduce the mode of grabbing orders, star evaluation system, salary links with performance, so as to truly achieve more pain more gain.

The convening of the quarterly business analysis report meeting is not only conducive to the company to review the work and projects state in the first quarter, but also to check the lack of traps in a timely manner. It is also could clarify the work tenor and objectives for the first half of the year to ensure the successful completion of the 2019 business goal.


Leaders of Beijing Mining and Metallurgy Technology Group Co., Ltd. visited Shining Star Group

On April 9th, the vice general managers of Beijing Mining and Metallurgy Technology Group Co., Ltd,Mr. Xiong Daiyu with his teams visited Shining Star Group once again. And the group chairman, Mr. Yan Yu, warmly welcomed and then had a conference with them.

Mr. Xiong Daiyu and his entourage visited the New Asia Athletics Park and the Inkyness Maternity Hospital. They learned about the construction background of the New Asia Athletics Park and the operation of the Inkyness Hospital. Subsequently, Mr. Xiong Daiyu and Mr. Yan Yu held a discussion and exchanged the opinion.

During the meeting, the Chairman, Mr. Yan Yu welcomed the vice general manager Mr. Xiong Daiyu and his delegation. Mr. Yan Yu said: "With the continuous promotion of the national "One Belt, One Road" initiative, the Group has accelerated the pace of overseas investment and transformation. And the group started to involve the mining industry, two years ago. Although Shining Star Group has been established for 26 years, Shining Star Mining is still a recruit, and the North Mining Institute is the largest comprehensive research and design institution, focusing on mining and metallurgy science and engineering technology in China. Cooperation with the Shining Star Group will accelerate the pace of transformation."

The Vice General Manager Mr. Xiong Daiyu expressed his gratitude to Chairman Mr. Yan Yu for his warm reception. Mr. Xiong Daiyu said: "After visiting the new Asian Athletics Park, I was deeply touched by the development of Shining Star Group. Shining Star Group began to transform very early. Going out, the development consciousness is ahead of the curve, and the mining industry is a traditional industry with intensive technology, capital and equipment. The investment return period is long. I hope that the two sides will achieve more results through complementary advantages and technological integration."

Subsequently, the two parts conducted in-depth exchanges the opinion include the site survey and plant equipment design of various mine sites in Bolivia. 

The meeting attended including, Mr.Wang Hailong, who is the vice president of Shining Star Group, Xiong Chaolin, who is the vice-chairman of Shining Star Mining, as well as the group's relevant department heads to attended the meeting.


Bengal Eagle Ridge Engineering and Construction Inc. to Visited Shining Star Group to Discuss the Cooperation

On 29th March to 2nd April, Abul Hossain, the chairman of Bengal Eagle Ridge Engineering Company and his party to visited Shining Star Group to discuss the cooperation, they visited the related industry achievements and projects of Shining Star Group, and had a meeting with Yan Yu, chairman of Shining Star Group.

First, the chairman of Bengal Eagle Ridge Engineering and Construction Inc. and his party after arrived Kunming and stay in Songming Shining Star Water Town. Abul Hossain, the chairman of Bengal Eagle Ridge Engineering and Construction Inc. said that the construction and design strength of Shining Star Group can be seen from the Shining Star Water Town project, and hopes to introduced a similar layout form in Bangladesh. Later, Abul Hossain and his party to visited Kunming • New Asia Athletics Park project, and on-the-spot visits to businesses, sports venues, corporate headquarters, medical care, education, residential areas, property management and other business operations, and had a more intuitive understanding of the Shining Star group's multi-industry international development after visited the corporate culture exhibition hall in Shining Star Group headquarters building.

Abul Hossain, the chairman of Bengal Eagle Ridge Engineering and Construction Inc. main recommended the four cooperation projects including "China Town", Science and Technology Park, road construction and pharmaceutical factory in the meeting which with Yan Yu, the chairman of Shining Star Group and other leaders on April 1. 

Both sides exchanged primary views on project scale and cooperation mode after the briefing and Abul Hossain and his party warmly welcome Shining Star Group to go to Bangladesh for field investigation of the project.
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